
What to do With Your Accident Insurance Money – Car Talk Podcast

It is an important factor. Insurance can protect you from tragic events that may otherwise ruin the bank. The insurance company will give the money you need to repair your vehicle if involved in an collision. In this video you’ll find out what you can do with the insurance money.

This episode features a caller from a woman , who describes to the host how her car was damaged in an accident. In this particular instance, the insurance firm for the car did an excellent job and gave her cash for the car. The lady, however, is having trouble making an informed decision about how she should make use of the money. She wants to finish paying off her remaining debt on one hand. Also, she needs a new car. Dave assures her that the accident didn’t result in any gain in terms of money. Even though it’s tempting to use the money from her insurance to pay off debts however, she should first locate reliable transport. If she is able to get a fair deal on a car and is left with money and she wants to use it to repay the debt. When you’re in debt, it should be taken care of as fast as possible so it doesn’t accrue interest.
