
How to Create a Horse Polo Training Arena on Your Rural Property – UPside Living

If you find some, take them away. You should also remove the stumps and roots that may remain after you have removed the trees. To tackle difficult tree removal work, it is advisable to hire an arborist to perform these jobs. They have an expert knowledge and tools to perform the task correctly and in a safe manner.

A different thing you should do in preparation for the construction of your arena is to smooth out the depressions. You can use a roller for smoothing these zones. Prior to constructing the arena it is essential to check the area for pests and bugs. This is done by hiring pest control services. Flies, ticks and ants are the most common bugs. You can try using moth balls, insecticides and moth balls for the elimination of these bugs. Contact an expert pest control service when your efforts do not succeed. Pest control companies have various successful methods of controlling and get rid of pests. They can help make sure that the health of your horse isn’t at risk from pests.

Professionals can also assist to analyze your soil. A soil specialist can help you decide if the soil is suitable for horses and other animal species. While preparing your soil, clear it up, to create an area where insects, pests, and other undesirable things are not able to pose any risk or danger to your horses. This is done through studying the development of your equine field. While creating this field, be aware of the kind of ground beneath it. Consider how the terrain affects the look of your horse’s Polo arena.

Pick a good location

It may be more cost-effective to rent a polo arena rather than purchasing one that you do not have time or the ability to use often. Since horses are frequently involved in the game it’s essential to find a good location for horse polo training practice. Finding arenas that are flat with an efficient drainage system is essential. The best site will have tall trees for backing to keep out pollution.
