
Asphalt vs. Paver vs. Concrete Driveways – Best Online Magazine

This is what you must know about all of them.

Asphalt prices range from four to eight dollars per square foot. This kind of driveway typically requires the least amount of investment at first, however it requires more maintenance than concrete or paver. It develops cracks with time and they will usually require sealing.

Brick pavers range in price between 12 and 24 dollars for square foot. They require a small amount of care, since there is a tendency for weeds to sprout in the cracks between bricks. It is good to know that, if they do suffer the damage they’re simple to repair.

Concrete driveways fall located in the middle of the prices, usually ranging from eight to 12 dollars per square feet. Concrete driveways are more maintenance-friendly as compared to the majority of other types. Salt may cause concrete to become irreparably damaged.

The type of driveway you choose for you is contingent on the budget you have and how much maintenance you can afford. Make sure you do lots of research prior to getting your driveway constructed so that you know exactly what you’re getting into.
